Short Films
Charlotte, 1994
Drama (2025)
Written | Directed | Produced by: Brian Pittala
Set in 1994, a young woman (Charlotte) gets a visit at work from her younger sister (Sydney) who has come seeking answers to a growing rift in their family.
Comedy / Drama (2023)
Written | Directed | Produced by: Brian Pittala
Angie, a high school senior in a small rural town gets accepted to a big college in NYC. Now, she must decide whether to tell her parents about her desire to study music in a big city far away for fear they won't understand.

Comedy (2022)
Written | Directed | Produced by: Brian Pittala
Lightning is a high energy and shockingly dark comedy about a young teen (Alex) who discovers she has the power to heal herself after being struck by lightning. After showing her best friend (Cody), the two decide the only logical thing to do is to test the limits of Alex’s power in awesome, and sometimes, gory ways.

Phoebe And Julie
Comedy (2017)
Written | Directed | Produced by: Brian Pittala
Light-hearted comedy about a young girl (Phoebe) who gets told a scary tale by her older sister (Julie) on Halloween night. Phoebe then has to go to her room and try to survive the night from a monster who wants to eat her... and her Halloween candy.